Another word for saving a dog
Another word for saving a dog

another word for saving a dog

‘But after a quick sleep it didn't take long before a speedboat came to my rescue.’.‘She initially passed out, but quickly recovered and tried to hold her brains in for over an hour until someone noticed and came to her rescue.’.‘A TEENAGER'S boyfriend came to her rescue when she was dragged to the ground by another youngster on Thursday.’.‘Two men passing by dramatically came to their rescue and managed to reach them using the branches from nearby trees.’.‘In an amazing stroke of luck for the sick patient, all three people who came to his rescue were health workers.’.‘Another is a minuscule, dead-end space that was rescued from oblivion by a wall fountain and a pond.’.‘He is there to plead for their life that they be rescued from obscurity.’.‘John rescued his coffee from the confusion and leaned back in his chair to admire his son.’.‘The relationship counselling service has been rescued from the brink of closure in west and north Wiltshire.’.‘But the club was only rescued from extinction earlier this year by the new chairman.’.

another word for saving a dog

‘The " little Chinese girl " was rescued from oblivion at the eleventh hour.’.‘He is the world-renowned authority and registrar on the species he rescued from obscurity.’.‘Robbie was rescued from obscurity and has shone at Leeds.’.‘"Oops," he shrugged as he rescued his coffee out of Cameron's hand which was currently in danger of dropping to the floor.’.‘Several troubled companies saw their share prices boosted by the possibility that they could be rescued by a buy-out.’.‘Yet the action still wasn't over with the away side determined to rescue some lost pride.’.‘He rescued his bag, and clinging to the poles he somehow managed to crawl up the ice foot, but he was pretty wet and soon very cold.’.‘When it comes to her tennis, she is bright enough to construct a point, strong enough to wallop a point and fast enough to rescue a lost cause.’.‘The yellow phenotype was completely rescued in all five lines.’.‘Now that he had rescued his belongings from the desert sand and pilfering fingers, he felt like a large weight had been lifted off his shoulders so he decided to stay a few more days and give them the benefit of his expertise.’.‘he got out of his chair to rescue his cup of coffee’.‘Hundreds of people are still waiting to be rescued from the rooftops of homes and buildings.’.‘He later crashed the plane into the sea and was rescued relatively unhurt.’.‘Both mother and son suffered in the cold water, but were rescued essentially unhurt.’.‘Four other miners were injured and eight were rescued unharmed.’.‘Four dogs, a kitten and a collection of snakes and lizards were rescued unharmed.’.‘They were rescued yesterday off the coast of Ireland.’.‘He was trapped underneath until he was rescued by a fire crew.’.‘One member of the crew was rescued by a US Navy helicopter, and did not suffer serious injury.’.‘The Norwegian ship then rescued the 430 people.’.‘Two crewmen died, but the remaining 20 were eventually rescued by the lifeboat.’.‘The men were winched to safety and became the first people rescued by helicopter off the coast of Ireland.’.‘The female tabby is seeking a reunion with her owners after being dramatically rescued by firefighters.’.

another word for saving a dog

‘Alisha was eventually rescued by firefighters from her bedroom, after a chip pan fire engulfed the kitchen in flames.’.

#Another word for saving a dog driver

  • ‘A taxi driver told today how he helped lift a car with his bare hands to rescue a child trapped in a road accident.’.
  • ‘The plan must include procedures for rescuing workers who have fallen but are unable to rescue themselves.’.
  • ‘His lawyer has suggested that the jury could convict him of manslaughter by gross negligence for not rescuing her.’.
  • ‘Two women who tried to battle a wall of flames to rescue a man trapped in his blazing home were today praised by firefighters.’.
  • ‘What makes people risk their lives to rescue someone trapped in a burning house or drowning in a river?’.
  • another word for saving a dog

  • ‘Firefighters had to rescue four people trapped in their vehicles.’.
  • ‘A teenager has thanked fire crews who saved his life by rescuing him from a blazing inferno.’.

  • Another word for saving a dog